24 December 2006

Santa Claus and the Chimneys

On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus flies through the sky (on a sleigh pulled by reindeer) with toys for all the good boys and girls. He carries the toys in the back of his sleigh, and delivers them by going down the chimney.

Obviously this is real and true, because there is proof. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) tracks Santa's journey. NORAD even has set-up a special website to help track Santa's trip around the world: http://www.noradsanta.org/index.php.

But, how does Santa get the toys into the houses where there is no chimney? This is a question that has bothered many for ages. Parents must tell their children that Santa is able to get into their house - but how? Is the door left unlocked for Santa? Will children believe that a fat man in a red suit breaks into their house? There could be detrimental effects to this kind of thinking. Children might start to think that midnight visitors are supposed to enter the house. On the other hand, they could become fearful that someone will come into the house on other nights, and not just Christmas Eve night. Santa could be associated with villainy, or children might let-down their guard.

Neither of these options is a good one. There should be more clarity on the subject. Perhaps NORAD should form a commission to look into the matter in more detail.

In any case, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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