10 January 2007


Sometimes, trends come along in popular culture. It could be clothes, pass-times, foods, or almost anything. When they arrive, they seem to appear everywhere. In stores, movie-theaters, and fast-food restaurants! There have been Pet Rocks, bell-bottoms, and fins on cars. Sometimes we have to wonder what causes these phenomena, and how long can they last?

Interestingly enough, a strange group is now riding the crest of a popularity-wave. They're penguins! Penguins starred in a 2005 film, "March of the Penguins." This movie even won the Academy Award for Best Documentary. Plus, the penguins raked in more money at the box office than Best Picture winner, "Crash."

Also in 2005, a group of four innovative penguins had an important, if not-quite-starring, role in "Madagascar." In a film that was a comedy, the penguins provided further comic relief. ["The penguins are psychotic!!"]

Once again, penguins were in a starring role in 2006. "Happy Feet" opened at theaters at the end of last year, and has an all-star group of voices for the penguins. (Yes, the penguins had to have humans do their voices for them.)
It seems that penguins are everywhere these days. Obviously, they've landed starring roles in movies. These movies have product tie-ins and other commercial ventures. There are penguin toys, penguins websites, and of course a professional hockey team (although this was long before 2005).
What explains this penguin-mania?! Is there a powerful Antarctic presence lobbying hard in Hollywood or Madison Avenue? Obviously, mighty forces have stepped-in and put these penguins in the spotlight. Until recently, penguins did not seem to be a group that craved attention or power. Will 2007 reveal yet another penguin film? Will they get their own TV show? Perhaps a penguin will get a elected to Congress in 2008. (It's possible - they're popular, and seem awfully savvy.)
How long can it last? Eventually, the zeal for penguins may lead to their demise. Or, will they meet a seal?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Penguins of the NHL have the leading scorer - 20 year old Sid "The Kid" Crosby and are putting together a nice season for the first time in a while. Unfortunately, if they can't get a new arena to replace the outdated "Igloo" then they might be moving to KC.
Never before has the Penguin been in such demand. Will we soon see a new Penguin in the latest Batman series? I've seen Penguin video games. What's next? Better cash in now Penguins before you go the way of beanie babies!